tr?id=290812311264174&ev=PageView&noscript=1 Buying a Budgie
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Before You Buy Your Budgie

Never buy a budgie or any other pet for that matter, on impulse. Find out all the information you will beed before you buy your budgie. There are many reasons why buying a budgie on an impulse  will not be the most adequate way of going about it.

Those reasons are:

Research! Research! Research!Q

Lack of knowledge about budgies will only bring issues when taking one home for the first time. Budgies can be low-maintenance birds but do require a lot of patience, time, and affection. We would extremely recommend you do your research before you purchase or re-home your new budgie. This will save you a lot of trouble. 

Best Budgie Habitat

Be prepared with the appropriate living habitat. We typically recommend that you purchase a cage that will have enough room for multiple pairs of budgies, even if you just plan for a single one.

You definitely wan’t to supply your budgies with enough toys to keep them well active. They need foraging toys, swings are also very fun for your budgies.

Once you have all of the above sorted out, you may now select your pet budgie.

Where to buy?

It is advisable to visit various pet stores or breeders, before you contemplate on purchasing any budgie. There are certain things you must look for in the pet store or breeder.

These are as follows:

You’ll be surprised that most owners and employees are not fully knowledgeable of the pets that they sell. This usually happens at the larger popular franchised pet stores. We wont mention any names, but you can guess who they are..

Selecting a Healthy Budgie 

Choosing a budgie should be given time and thought. Don’t just go for the best looking or most colorful budgie. By observing and paying close attention to the available budgies you can tell which are healthy and which might not be healthy.

What you want to look for on a healthy budgie is: